20 December 2014

Love or Hate?

In today’s modern world, break-up is not a big issue,

There are all kinds of break-ups these days,

Sentimental ones, over sentimental ones, mental ones even;

No, no please don’t laugh I am sure you can remember at least one such friend,

Or maybe was it your break-up, but people do run from these, and they run really fast;

Anyways, the topic of conversation here is not actually break-ups today…

I wanted to tell you about a strange break-up, or was it really break up?

Judge for yourself please…

Well the first point is, what do you do once you break-up?

Some cry, some heave a sigh of relief, yet others pamper themselves right?

Wrong! Here, started a full-fledged investigation; oh, I know even these happen,

But this was definitely not in the purpose of finding proof of infidelity;

Actually, the infidelity was clear, the distance in the still intact relation was also clear

The investigation started to hurt herself; yeah you heard me right, to hurt herself;

After all if a lesson was to be learnt why not learn it so hard that you never forget it?

Well investigations done, numerous proof accumulated, on came a game of chess

But chess not with the feeble pawns and castles you could buy at any shop,

Chess with lives; a lesson had been learnt, but a lesson also needed to be taught

So this game might stop here, so these tears might never be repeated;

One pawn down, a castle moves, one horse is wielding its sword,

The bishop stands firm and tall, the king proudly holding the mast high…

One move, another and another, and suddenly…check mate;

The once proud flag comes crashing down, torn, tattered and at last defeated

But wait, is the game really over? Why is the triumphant lords’ hand suddenly quaking?

Why is the mast swaying?

The bishop runs forward, steadying the now almost limp king, holding tight to keep his king steady…

What was this force crippling his king? The baffled bishop stared critically,

Suddenly his jaw dropped, suddenly his own feet staggered…

What was this raw string attached to his king? Why did it end in the hands of the now defeated crown?

Awed and humbled beyond measure the dumbstruck bishop at last followed the trail home,

It was not a string of control, nor a string of hate or shame

A string of love so violently strong, it had endured this long over stretched game…

Bloodied by all the wounds inflicted, scorched by all the fires lit, the string still held firm and strong,

Why did all this war ensue? What was all this fight for? The shocked bishop queried;

A lesson has been learnt a lesson had to be taught, as for the string it will always hold strong…

The mysterious smile on the now crumpled face ends the story here,

But there are questions unanswered that plague the minds of every reader…

Was it really the end? Was it really a break-up? Was it hate?

Or was it…..love?

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