2 October 2016

Forgotten Forsaken

An old forgotten room, locked and latched for years innumerable,
Suddenly entices its owner…
Driven by its mystique, the antiquated lock is brutally torn down,
The portals are lobbed open and here’s the threshold to a new universe…

The room, nothing like its polished and well kept exteriors, radiates gloom,
Forgotten and forsaken for years, filled with layers and layers of odious grime;
Moved, the owner dusts down every last speck of dross,
Every specters of the elongated estrangement is evicted;
New fixtures, prized artifacts, priceless china now fill this exceptionally airy room
Endeared beyond every other place ever, the room now holds the life of the house;
Autumn turns, turns off winter, spring brings fragrance of the rarest blossoms;
Summer comes and rushes off and at last, monsoon stops by…
Torrential rain pours in, all wrecking storms rip everything apart!
Fixtures run down, artifacts soil and china shatter to dust at large;
The now left room is a place of utter havoc, ultimate chaos…
At last the importance of the now discarded lock seeps in,
Understanding looms of the shattered wards…
Soon, new locks are searched out, new warding enforced,
The room returns to its previous gloom, yet again with broken relics…
Chipped pieces of misplaced grace the only friends in its eternal wake…


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