11 December 2014

Definition of Life

Life is high, life is low, it’s just a game, let it flow…
The yearning for death is day and night and has been there for years now,
After all, it is the ultimate destination of life right? The ultimate close?
Strange the way life buds, a single cell to multiple ones, then a complete being,
And suddenly at some unknown, unseen click, just like that the heart starts beating;
Lub dub, lub dub, it goes from that moment inside our dearest mothers womb,
Till life finally decides to bid us adieu;
Death is actually there all round us, just open your eyes and look round yourselves,
There, your neighbor dies a while back didn't he? Or did you forget you beloved pet?
Then there was that poor young man you saw lose his life to that pathetic accident;
Yeah right, so you get the trend, death does come, and in variety of shapes;
But its one illusive lover, if we could call it so, after all it accompanies us throughout life
But that’s the word, illusive, it comes shows its face but is always quick to pick the next person
Always ready to keep you yearning, craving, staring for more;
Starving for the peaceful, calm, cool, satisfying, completing, chilling embrace…
It has become like a sweet, loving game after all this time now,
A game of hide and seek, a game of superiority, a game of destiny…
Run after death more, it alludes more, call it and it always picks the other person
So, I decided to learn this game of love, this game of hate, this game of life this game of chess
My dearest sadistic lover was after all bound to come right? I was his destiny too
Then why pine for him all the time? Why call him? Why give him the satisfaction?
That is when I decided to take up this hobby, why not let other people know too?
Why not help other people too figure out the little catch in this big board of chess?
After all, two can play at a game right…?
So, I decided to write, decided to paint the picture, decided to sing;
Decided to spread the word, spread the knowledge only life could bring
Life is high, life is low, it’s just a game, let it flow…

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